How to Export NutriBase PFI’s, Recipes, Meals, or Meal Plans?
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You can transfer the content (“export”) of any NutriBase Personal Food Item (PFI), recipe, meal or meal plan very easily. Once this information is exported to a file, you can give that file to any other NutriBase user and they can transfer that data in (“import”) to their copy of NutriBase. The major version numbers of NutriBase that create the files and import the files must be the same. That is, NutriBase 11 can export and import files that were created from NB11.

There is one exception to this: PFI’s containing additional data (“My Fields” data) cannot be exported or imported. However, you can use backup and restore to move these PFI’s to another PC if you like.

To export any NutriBase Personal Food Item (PFI), recipe, meal or meal plan, go to the appropriate Tab (i.e., go the “Recipes” Tab to export a recipe or recipes).

Click the “Folder” Button for this Tab. Highlight the recipe or recipes you want to export. You can click on a single recipe to highlight it if you only want to export one recipe. You can hold the Shift key down and use the mouse to select the first and last recipe in a range of recipes. Or you can hold the Ctrl key down and use the mouse to “cherry pick” the recipes you wish to export.

Once you have selected the recipes you want to export, right mouse click and click the “Export selected” option. This will create a file that uses the file name that you provide plus the “n11im” extension.

By default, the file will be saved to your Windows Documents Folder. You can change this default location by going to NutriBase Options, then clicking the Locations option. To do this, go to NutriBase options by clicking the NutriBase Menu Icon in the upper left corner of the NutriBase window.

This topic updated 07/28/2015

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